No. 65 (2023): Architecture and cities of health: Places and Community Health Centers

Integrating social and healthcare in Community Homes: what architectural topos does the social and healthcare world need?

Antonio Nouvenne
University of Parma
UMM Parma

Published 2023-12-31


  • Community homes,
  • multimorbidity,
  • socio-health integration,
  • multidisciplinarity,
  • Social pact

How to Cite

Nouvenne, A. (2023). Integrating social and healthcare in Community Homes: what architectural topos does the social and healthcare world need?. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (65), 88–91.


The epidemiological changes of the last decades with the presence of an ever-increasing number of frail and multimorbid patients and the growing social problems of abandonment, loneliness, community disintegration, require a rethinking of treatment paths and structures and a strengthening of social and health policies . The Community Houses, foreseen by Ministerial Decree 77/2022, represent both an opportunity and a challenge. The territory of Parma has developed an inter-institutional project to guide this process. This article analyzes the socio-health context and the architectural-functional needs of the new Community Houses from the point of view of clinicians


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