2021: ArcheA IO3 - Manual of Best Practices for a Blended Flexible Training Activity in Architectural Higher Education

BECC Laboratory in Tokyo. Urban lanscape, urban regeneration. Interdisciplinary academic class

Olimpia Niglio
Hosei University, Japan
Tsuneaki Fukui
Hosei University, Japan
FAMagazine. FAM. Research and project on architecture and design

Published 2021-12-10


  • ArchéA,
  • blended flexible training,
  • best practices

How to Cite

Niglio, O., & Fukui, T. (2021). BECC Laboratory in Tokyo. Urban lanscape, urban regeneration. Interdisciplinary academic class
. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, 122–125. https://doi.org/10.12838/fam/issn2039-0491/n0-2021/830


The different cultural experiences analyzed in the world and between the East and West, have found that the men have always related to the natural context from which they have drawn resources and opportunities for life. Even architecture was born out of respect for this dialogue that the communities were able to establish by relating to both terrestrial and astronomical nature. The architecture has made it possible to make changes to the natural context in relation to the needs of the individual communities. But architecture has increasingly come to characterize itself for the functions required of it in close relation to the natural context and hence forms and therefore constructive typologies closely related to local resources: let us think of earth houses in the regions of the African continent or Latin American, to stone houses in central and southern Europe, to wooden houses in northern Europe and Asia.