No. 65 (2023): Architecture and cities of health: Places and Community Health Centers

Architecture and cities of community health

Carlo Quintelli
Università di Parma

Published 2023-12-31


  • Health Center,
  • Community center,
  • Health architecture,
  • Health cities

How to Cite

Quintelli, C. (2023). Architecture and cities of community health. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (65), 9–14.


Compared to a new health demand, particularly after Covid 19, what is the contribution of architectural design to the responses? First of all, that concerning the structures responsible for the health services spread across the territory, an expression of basic medicine, which the population can easily access by virtue of the proximity of the settlement and a consequent familiarity of relationship with the medical and nursing staff. New decentralized primary care and treatment units that move from the name of Health Houses to that of Community Houses through Mission 6 Health of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). A variation that is not only nominalistic, in relation to which architectural project research can only interpret a social culture of care, according to an open and experimental disciplinary direction but capable of providing the main operational reference presuppositions in terms of urban role and typo-morphological quality of the designated spaces.


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