No. 27-28 (2014): Impossible Research. Imagination in the Architectural Project

Structures for the Imagination. A John Hejduk's drawing

Lamberto Amistadi
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna

Published 2014-05-01


  • John Hejduk,
  • Immagination,
  • Architectural Composition

How to Cite

Amistadi, L. (2014). Structures for the Imagination. A John Hejduk’s drawing. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (27-28), 21–30.


A drawing by John Hejduk is an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between the creation, representation and realisation of a work of architecture, following the reasoning of the American maestro. 
Through its own means - walls, roofs, boundaries - the architectural image has the capacity to evoke and invoke the profound sense of unexpected situations, to "refresh" our vision of things against the danger of automation.
What emerges is a scenario in which, in the creative circle involving maker and spectator, the reality of architecture contributes to its part in the project of "manufacturing the world"


  1. Richard Pommer, Structures for the Imagination, «Art in America», marzo-aprile, 1978.
  2. John Hejduk in Mask of Medusa, New York 1985.
  3. Nelson Goodman, I linguaggi dell'arte, cap. V, par. 9, L'architettura.
  4. Robert Klein, Pensiero e simbolo nel Rinascimento, in La forma e l'intelligibile, Torino 1975
  5. Lamberto Amistadi, Paesaggio come rappresentazione, TECA 3, Napoli 2008, pp.37-41.
  6. Picasso's Las Meninas, Editorial Meteora, Barcelona 2001, p.28
  7. Theo van Doesburg, De architectuur als synthese der nieuwe beelding, in «De Stijl», 6
  8. Bruno Reichlin, L'assonometria come progetto. Uno studio su Alberto Sartoris, «Lotus», 22, 1979.
  9. Manfredo Tafuri, John Hejduk: «l'evento interrotto», in Five architects N.Y., Roma 1998.
  10. Viktor Borisovič Šklovskij, L'arte come procedimento, in I formalisti russi, a cura di T. Todorov, Torino 1968