No. 45/46 (2018): Architecture and narration: the architect as storyteller?

Architecture and narrative. The dialogue of time, space and man

Anna Conzatti
Università degli Studi di Udine
Cover Storyteller

Published 2019-01-02


  • Storytelling,
  • Time,
  • Space

How to Cite

Conzatti, A. (2019). Architecture and narrative. The dialogue of time, space and man. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (45/46), 56–60.


As the oldest way of interaction between people, narration is an archetypal form, like building, within man's daily life. The latter is enriched through the story, and it is sublimated through the spiritual experience of living space. Distant on the level of form and structure, of heaviness and impalpability, narration and architecture seem irreconcilable, but today, while in the contemporary every human experience is consumed by the speed of time, these two forms of communication find themselves investigating together the sense of time, space and human existence. Together they come to a new form of perception that goes beyond language and feeds on the sensibility of the architect, but also on the life that they are required to nourish and produce within a telling space.


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