No. 39 (2017): Law and Heart. Analogy and Composition in the Construction of Architectural Language

Analogy's Territories. Beginning from Oswald Mathias Ungers

Francesco Sorrentino
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
FAMagazine 39-2017


  • Analogous City,
  • Architectural Composition,
  • Ungers

How to Cite

Sorrentino, F. (2017). Analogy’s Territories. Beginning from Oswald Mathias Ungers. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (39), 57–65. Retrieved from


The article discusses the relationship between the analogy and the discipline of architecture. It tries to investigate, through the example of architects and architectures, the "internal" and "external" qualities to the architectural writing of the analogical process. The analogy, in fact, on the one hand implies a close relationship with the discipline and its constituent devices, with the story (the architecture analogous to the architecture), on the other hand, by introducing within the design elaboration subjective dynamics, related to memory and imagination, it also suggests external connections to the architectural field, with nature, with art, with the landscape. Through the analogy, it is possible to retrace according to an original perspective the autonomous and heteronomous characters of the architecture.