No. 52-53 (2020): Coronavirus City Architecture. Prospects of the architectural and urban design

Care and measure. While everyone around makes noise

Alessandro Oltremarini
Sapienza Università di Roma
FAMagazine. Research and projects on architecture and the city

Published 2020-12-11


  • Care,
  • Measure,
  • Form,
  • Architecture,
  • Value

How to Cite

Oltremarini, A. (2020). Care and measure. While everyone around makes noise. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (52-53), 174–177.


The text raises the questions of the role of architecture and the architect’s responsibility in the society during the pandemic. It develops around four dialectical couples: normality-emergence; safety-care; global-local; real-virtual. I want to affirm the contrast between the autonomy of architectural research and the dominant contemporary interests which confuse “practical problem with aesthetic problem” (Persico 1935) and cause the alteration of values and information. Furthermore, within it, I intend to identify the concept of care as a methodological paradigm for architectural thought, in which its characteristics (slowness, rituality, plurality) could preserve memory and values of a democratic culture and of what represents it: the city.


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