No. 59-60 (2022): Drawing and project

On drawing, in an interlocking game

Guido Canella
Former professor emeritus of the Milan Polytechnic
Louis Kahn

Published 2022-12-02


  • Drawing,
  • Criticism and Design,
  • Architectural composition

How to Cite

Canella, G. (2022). On drawing, in an interlocking game. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (59-60), 18–45.


In 1997 Guido Canella, professor of Theories and techniques of architectural design at the Faculty of Civil Architecture of Milan Bovisa, held a lecture on drawing in Architecture. The Wednesday lessons had become the central moment of the newborn School that Canella had helped to found: an event that attracted the interest of students and the curiosity of teachers from other disciplines in the confirmation that the project is the central moment of training in Architecture.

Taking as a pretext the various types of drawing, in a narrow interspersed between text and image, as befits a university lesson, Canella leads the reader on a journey through architecture that dates back Baudelairian "from impressions to principles". It is no coincidence that Canella calls into question the "true founder of modern criticism" who as an architect, teacher, director of important magazines, received in 1995 the CICA prize (Comité lnternational des Critiques d'Architecture) at the VI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires.


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  2. AA.VV. (1963) – L'opera di Le Corbusier. Catalogo della mostra a Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze.
  3. AA.VV. (1967) – The Art and Architecture of Ancient Greece. Thames and Hudson, Londra.
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  28. LE CORBUSIER (1965) – II viaggio d'Oriente, 1911. Faenza Editrice, Faenza.
  29. MORETTI L. (a cura di) (1973) – G.B. Cavalcaselle. Disegni da antichi maestri. Catalogo della mostra, Neri Pozza Editore, Vicenza.
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  34. SCHUMAKER Th. (1992) – Giuseppe Terragni 1904-1943. Electa, Milano.
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