No. 39 (2017): Law and Heart. Analogy and Composition in the Construction of Architectural Language

Topos, Typos, Tekton. The appropriate placement of things

Mirko Russo
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”
FAMagazine 39-2017


  • Construction,
  • Tectonic,

How to Cite

Russo, M. (2017). Topos, Typos, Tekton. The appropriate placement of things. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (39), 50–56.


The text explores the relationship between the project composition and the construction methods, above all aims to emphasize the expressive potential of construction, meaning the "tectonics" as an internal architectural principle in opposition to the contemporary trend to deduce the validity of the architecture from what it is different.