No. 33 (2015): Smart design for a Smart city

Smart city and new HORIZON … beyond (every) “hypocrisy”

Paola Scala
Università di Napoli Federico II

Published 2015-07-01


  • Smart City,
  • Urban Design,

How to Cite

Scala, P. (2015). Smart city and new HORIZON … beyond (every) “hypocrisy”. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (33), 34–41.


Starting with a Vittorio Gregotti interview titled “the green hypocrisy of star-architects”, this paper focuses on real opportunities represented by “Smart city” as the theme of an architectural research more aware of its own role but also more capable of accepting contemporary challenges. Research that is not seduced by fashion slogans and does not escape into universal certainties and abstract utopias.


  1. Boer F. (2010); De Urbanisten and the wondrous water square, Publishers, Rotterdam.
  2. Owen D. (2010); Green metropolis. La città è più ecologica della campagna?, Egea, Milano.
  3. Gausa, M. (2013); “Rinaturalizzare la multi-città” in Ricci M. (2013), Nuovi Paradigmi, LISt, Trento.
  4. Gregotti V. (2011); “le ipocrisie verdi delle archistar”, sul Corriere della sera,18 febbraio.
  5. Koolhaas, R., Boeri S. (2001), Mutation, Actar, New York.
  6. Quatrmère de Quincy A. Ch. (1832), Dictionnaire historique d'architecture, trad. it Teyssot G., Farinati V. (a cura di) (1985), Dizionario storico dell’architettura, Marsilio, Venezia.
  7. Ratti.C. (2013); Smart city, Smart citizen, Egea, Milano.
  8. Sitografia
  9. Di Dominci G. (2012); Smart cities e communities: l'innovazione nasce dal basso