No. 39 (2017): Law and Heart. Analogy and Composition in the Construction of Architectural Language

Editorial: Law and Heart. Analogy and Composition in the Construction of Architectural Language

Lamberto Amistadi
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Francesco Primari
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
FAMagazine 39-2017


  • Analogy,
  • Architectural Composition,
  • Architectural language

How to Cite

Amistadi, L., & Primari, F. (2017). Editorial: Law and Heart. Analogy and Composition in the Construction of Architectural Language. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (39), 7–13.


This Editorial compares synchronically two different ways of fabricating the architectural language, that the articles of this number 39 of FAMagazine exemplify with the case of numerous important architects: Durand, Wagner, Guadet but also Monestiroli, Rossi, Ungers, Zumthor e Koolhaas. On one hand a composition of elements and “internal” reasons of tectonic and construction are ascribed to the codified order of a Law; on the other hand a composition of fragments and the correspondance between different figures, analogically associated, are reassumed in the reasons of the Heart.
In any case, the one between Law and Heart, rule and transgression, order and freedom, remain a unavoidable tension and constitutive of the Western thought, not only in architecture.