No. 54 (2020): ARTSchitecture. The arts as a solicitation of architectural thought

The essential role of architecture in the relationship between cinema and novel. The classic example of “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock

Gianfranco Guaragna
Università degli Studi di Trieste Corso di laurea in Architettura
FAMagazine. Research and projects on architecture and the city

Published 2021-05-21


  • Architecture,
  • Cinema,
  • Novel

How to Cite

Guaragna, G. (2021). The essential role of architecture in the relationship between cinema and novel. The classic example of “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (54), 89–94.


A notorious close connection between cinema and architecture exists, as between cinematography and literature, however we are convinced that architecture plays a central role in this context.
These topics are easily identified in Alfred Hitchcock’s vast filmography, which shows that architecture is fundamental in order to create the atmosphere the director wishes to obtain to infuse further emotions to the story.
Hitchcock through the editing, the shots and the course of actions provides the movie with what lacks in the conventional narrative of the novel the movie itself is taken. The director manages to enhance the audience’s emotions especially through the expressive help of the architectures that frame the story.


  1. F. Dal Co, K.W. Forster, H.S. Arnold, (1998), Frank O.Gehry Tutte le opere, Electa, Milano.
  2. Amitav Ghosh, (2017), La grande cecità Il cambiamento climatico e l’impensabile, Neri Pozza Editore, Vicenza.
  3. David Lynch, (2012) Perdersi è meraviglioso, Ed. minimum fax, Roma.
  4. François Truffaut, (2010), L’adattamento letterario al cinema, da La Revue des Lettres modernes, estate 1958, in Il piacere degli occhi, a cura di Jean Narboni e Serge Toubiana, Ed. Minimum fax, Roma.
  5. François Truffaut, (2014), Il cinema secondo Hitchcock, ed. Il Saggiatore, Milano.
  6. Slavoj Žižek, (2011), Hitchcock: È possibile girare il remake di un film?, Ed. Mimesis, Milano-Udine.