No. 54 (2020): ARTSchitecture. The arts as a solicitation of architectural thought

Music, Painting, Architecture: the Structure of Appearance

Lamberto Amistadi
(Deputy Director) Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
FAMagazine. Research and projects on architecture and the city

Published 2021-05-21


  • Architectural Composition,
  • Figuration,
  • Representation

How to Cite

Amistadi, L. (2021). Music, Painting, Architecture: the Structure of Appearance. FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City, (54), 11–20.


In his Aesthetic Lessons, Hegel says that "man doubles himself”: he exists in himself as a natural object and exists because he manages to in turn produce other objects. This production, the production of what-we-see, uses a know-how which, in a certain sense and at a certain level, is common to many arts and many disciplines.
This essay aims to investigate some of these “common procedures” in music, painting and architecture. And all these disciplines appeal to faith in that so-called “syntagmatic intelligence” – belonging to the associative faculty of the mind – which is the basis of every construction of man, starting from language and writing.


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